Customer Focus

Closed12 Apr, 2021, 5:00pm - 26 Apr, 2021, 5:00pm

Corporate Plan Priority

Suggested key objectives

Suggested  measures of success

Customer Focus


  1. We will deliver services that enhance the lives of our customers, promoting security of tenure and personal independence;






Independent Living Service model fully defined and prepared for the national digital telephony upgrade;


Prevention Services reviewed in line with customer expectation and number accessing services increased;

  1. We will deliver services directly into our communities, expanding our support services and customer hubs, and flexing our delivery methods to meet specific demand;


Hub-based operating model adopted;


Self-Service functionality available via Customer Portal;


  1. We will ensure that our homes are in demand and easy to let.

General needs re-let time at 20 days with customer satisfaction above 92%.


I have carefully read all documents, however can find no reference to Leaseholders. Rights and Responsibilites for both Leasholder and Landlord. We were promised a Meeting Forum, this has not...
Transparency, communication and flexibility
Connexus needs to be transparent on what it can and cannot do when there are neighbourhood issues.  And keep talking to your customers to keep them updated throughout the process When...
Independent living service's
Instead of showing on paper what you are going to do . Just show the resident's who use the service's that you are actually doing what you say you are going to do .  also those...