4. Value For Money Metrics

Closed9 Jul, 2021, 3:00pm - 23 Jul, 2021, 3:00pm

4.            Value for Money Metrics 


In April 2018 the Regulator of Social Housing updated the Value for Money Standard and Connexus has maintained its approach to VFM to ensure compliance with this.



Registered providers are required to annually publish evidence in their statutory accounts to enable stakeholders to understand the provider’s performance against its own Value for Money targets and any metrics set out by the Regulator.



The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) updated its Technical Guidance during June 2020 reconfirming the seven key metrics that providers are required to report against.




These key metrics have been adopted within this strategy. Prior year’s performance against the seven metrics in conjunction with the approved Long Term Financial Forecast (LTFF2021) are presented as follows: